samedi 11 février 2012

Surrender, humans !

Youuu are a pirate !

Dr.Nude...wait, what ?

Werewolf-game : Trash version ?

Some drawings I did for a "Werewolf game", withe Cupidon, the Werewolf and the little girl :D

Sketchs, boobs and Space Marine

Some drawings I did for an exercise in my school.
Especially on Mister Kundal, a character of Peter Pan, by Regis Loisel.

Cartoons are cool !


Olds sketchs

Sketchs, thumbnails.

Dont' play Skyrim, draw it !

Dovahkiin, dovahkiin, tralala-la-la-la !

Studies, studies, studies !

Etudes, essais d'ambiances.
Studies, ambiance color...

Firt post, because Mechas are badass

Essai de publication, site en travaux.
First post, try to know how blogger works :)

Artist 2D/3D

Work on photoshop, 3DS Max, After Effect and Premiere.